Wish I had even just a little stronger WiFi in my bathroom.  Now some of these setups, that could just make someone relocate their entire thinking.

Thinking smile 


The World’s 18 Strangest Bathrooms – Just Dreaming – Your Life – MSN Lifestyle

Crashin’s ‘MyLiveSpaceBook’

Posted: September 11, 2010 in Uncategorized


Must have personal, family or friend connection through Hotmail/Live.com to view most content.

This WordPress Blog will likely be used concurrently for tech-related posts.  ( … iPod Touch 4th Gen – YES PLS!!! … )

To the Best Mom in the World!

Posted: August 24, 2010 in Family



I love you, and again thank you for all the help you HAVE been able to give us, time and time again, throughout the years.

And even though I may not (or it may not have seemed like I) have appreciated a lot of things at the times they happened, or even afterwards for a long time, I have definitely counted my blessings time and time again regarding the caring person I call “mom.”  I thank God that I got to grow up without having to deal with some of the stuff I’ve seen others having to go through.  I’m forever grateful that you made it easy to always know that I was loved, no matter what stupid shit I managed to get myself into.  Know that I in the time I’ve been living on my own, I have been able to learn and understand how difficult things can be for adults (and how little we really know/understand as children).

Thank you for always being there, wherever "there" was, always willing to reach down and help me up, even at the lowest of times.  I never wondered if you’d ever stop loving me, even after I’d done things which made me not even like myself.  You are the best, I wouldn’t trade for any other.

Up and Running

Posted: July 27, 2010 in Uncategorized

A blog, huh?

And what, pray tell, am I supposed to do with it?

Could’ve been posting endless banter on LiveJournal all this time.  I guess it’s just about the silly interweb-networking.  Every time… get close, and there’s another off-shoot, which leads to 5-10 more sites where you’re filling in the form and registering.

Thank GAWD for Firefox and the great add-ons it supports.  Forms are pretty easy now.

We’ll see where this goes from here, right?  =^.^=